Great consumer websites to learn about insurance
I’m don’t believe I’ve formally announced yet that I am currently enrolled in the Fall 2009 University of Portland Executive Certificate Program in Financial Planning. My goal in taking this program is to prepare myself to sit for the July 2010 Certified Financial Planning exam.
I’m currently in the midst of studying various forms of insurance (i.e. Life, Home, Auto, Liability, disability etc.). The textbook listed some websites at the end of the last chapter I read as supplements to the material I had already read.
I visited each and was impressed with the information available to consumers. As a financial professional I have a basic understanding of insurance. I can speak somewhat intelligently about premiums, deductibles, coverages, and endorsements but after looking at these sites I realize I have a lot more to learn.
If you’re in the market for any kind of insurance I suggest you use these two sites as resources: