Gladwell’s “Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking”

After recently reading “Outliers”, Malcolm Gladwell’s latest book, I was inspired to read “Blink” which was the remaining of his I hadn’t yet read.

I really like Gladwell for two reasons.  First, the subject matter he writes about is both relevant and interesting.  The stuff he covers is right under our nose all day everyday but we don’t take the time to study it.  Second, his style of writing is easy to read.  Although he is teaching the reader a lesson its as if he’s writing a story  rather than academic thesis.

In this book Gladwell explores the role that our unconscious mind plays in how we think, choose, judge, contemplate, and act.  The book goes into great detail exploring how our initial impressions are shaped by our unconscious associations and how these “snap judgments” can lead us to make both poor and positive decisions.

He ascribes the term “thin-slicing” to our unconscious minds ability, “to find patterns in situations and behaviors based on very narrow slices of experience.”  For example, have you ever observed a person’s mannerisms from afar for only a brief period and made a judgment on what kind of person they are?  That is “thin-slicing”.   But how can our mind be so quick to pass judgment on such subjects?

As Gladwell says on page 69, “We have, as human beings, a storytelling problem.  We’re a bit too quick to come up with explanations for things we don’t really have an explanation for.”  For the next few chapters Gladwell looks into how our unconscious mind can be altered which in turn alters how we appraise a person or situation.

In the second chapter he references a couple experiments that demonstrate how a person’s mind-state will impact their future judgment.  For example, two groups of similar people were given trivia questions.  Prior to the experiment one group was told to think about being a college professor while another group was told to concentrate on soccer hooligans.  As you could probably guess the group that thought about college professors outperformed the other group.  Gladwell explains that this mental preparation essentially stimulates the unconscious mind into making future decisions in line with your environment.

In the following chapter he covers physical associations and how they can impact a persons judgment.  On page 76 he writes, “I think that there are facts about people’s appearance- their size or shape or color or sex- that can trigger a very similar set of powerful associations.”  Although few people in our “PC” world care to admit that physical stereotypes play a role in their judgment I think it is safe to say that they are very real.  Gladwell concurs on page 85, “The disturbing thing…is that..our unconscious attitudes may be utterly incompatible with our stated conscious values.”  Don’t think this sentence applies to you?  Test yourself @

At the end of the day Gladwell shows that there are a myriad of things that impact our unconscious mind and in turn impact our initial impressions regarding a situation.  It’s important that as humans we understand that.  When making important decisions we should not only weigh the information that we have available to us but we should also weigh the environmental factors which may also be altering our interpretation of that information.

Furthermore, whenever possible, we should look for ways to minimize the environmental impact of our minds so that we can make more organic decisions.  Of course, this is easier said than done.

Here are some additional notes:

*Importance of support in a healthy relationship- In one of the experiments Gladwell references regarding healthy & unhealthy relationships the psychologist points out that “support” in conversation is crucial to determining whether or not a relationship will work out in the long-run.

*Treat others well: In another study that Gladwell references doctors who treated their patients well were much less likely to be sued for malpractice than doctors who were either unfriendly towards their patients or who displayed superiority.  Lesson: Treat people well and they’ll be more forgiving of your mistakes.

*Lesson for salespeople: Starting on page 88 Gladwell introduces us to Bob Golomb who is a car sales manager in Flemington, New Jersey.  He has been hugely successful throughout his career and he credits his success to one principle- “never to judge anyone on the basis of his or her appearance.  He assumes that everyone who walks in the door has the exact same chance of buying a car.”  In thinking about this I feel as though I am pretty good about not letting my “thin-slices” impact the effort I put forth in helping people in my business.  I think I can thank my mom for that.  She is a very warm and welcoming person no matter what the appearance of a person.  I grew up under her tutelage and I have her to thank.

*In the fourth chapter one of the topics covered is quantity of information.  Sometimes too much information and paralyze your ability to make decisions.  Especially when the decision is one that is typically made in a “blink”.  The example he gives is with buying jam.  A retail store tested jam sales by offering a table with 24 options one time and 6 in another.  Although conventional wisdom would tell us that a consumer with more choice would be more apt to buy, in this instance it was not the case.  When presented with less information the consumer bought more often.  Kind of like blog posts.  When I write too much people are less apt to read the post :).

*Describing an ‘expert’ on page 179: “The first impressions of experts are different (from non-experts)…  When we become an expert in something, our tastes grow more esoteric and complex…  it is really only experts who are able to reliably account for their reactions.”  In other words, when an expert is experiencing in their field of expertise they are conscious of of their unconscious associations.  They can explain why they do or don’t like something with conviction.  In Gladwell’s words on page 183: “Our unconscious reactions come out of a locked room, and we can’t look inside that room.  But with experience we become expert at using our behavior and our training to interpret- and decode- what lies behind our snap judgments and first impressions.

*Facial expressions- On page 199 Gladwell points out that facial expressions which express our thoughts, feelings, etc. are common amongst humans across cultures.

*Where a smile on your face: From page 208- “…we take it as a given that first we experience an emotion, and then we may- or may not- express the emotion on our face.  We think of the face as the residue of emotion.  What this research showed though, is that the process works in the opposite direction as well.  Emotion can also start on the face.

*Where we get information: Most of the subconscious information we get to interpret information is from the emotion they display on their face.  Research shows that a person can practice reading faces and become more effective in picking up others emotions/ motivations.

*On page 214 Gladwell provides a very good explanation of what an autistic person experiences.  I don’t know much about autism and found his description very interesting.  Autistic people, “have difficulty interpreting nonverbal cues, such as gestures and facial expressions or putting themselves inside someone elses head or drawing an understanding from anything other than the literal meaning of words.

*In chapter 6 on one the topics covered is the impact stressful situations have on our ability to interpret information.  Essentially, when our heart rate increases under the stress of a difficult situation we do not consciously interpret information.  We react based on what our unconscious mind believes we should do.  However, it is possible to train under high stress situations to improve our decision making capabilities.

Things I will follow up on after reading this book:
-Look for programs to help me improve my ability to read the emotions of others by studying facial expressions.

Gladwell’s “Outliers”

Back in February I was able to convince my friend Kevin Hill to trade me his brand new hard bound “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell for my well worn paper-back Atlas Shrugged.  Thanks Kevin.

I read Gladwell’s previous book entitled “The Tipping Point” a couple years ago and enjoyed his unique perspective in explaining how trends are developed.  In this latest book Gladwell shifts that unique perspective into explaining how “outlying” events develop.

For Gladwell, an “outlier” is a person or event that happens outside of the norm.  In the book he uses examples such as the Beatles’ extraordinary music ability, Bill Gate’s extraordinary technological ability, and a plane crash.

In our media-driven and at times short-sighted culture these “outlying” events are often chalked up to innate ability, in which case the pocessor of this ability is considered to be extraordinaryly lucky.  Or, in the case of a plane crash, we often think that it is the result of an extremly unlucky occurance that causes the plane to malfunction.  The common theme between these events being the fact that they are the cause of chance (be it lucky or unlucky).

However, as Gladwell explains in his book these events are anything but chance.  In fact, they are often the result of 6-7 conditions coming together to create an environment where the “outlying” event will occur.

As he explains in the case of Bill Gates, it wasn’t that Bill Gates was gifted with some innate ability to program computers.  Gates was lucky in that he was born with an IQ that was high, but certainly not higher than many other computer programmers.  When he was in high school he was given an opportunity to that many other aspiring computer programmers were not given.  He was given virtually unlimited access to a computer in which he could practice programming (at that time computer access was expensive).  With this unique opportunity he capitalized by spending 8-10 hours per day for over a year practicing.  With all his practice he developed an expertise that in other era’s may not have resulted in much of a livlihood.  But, Gates developed expertise in an industry that was ripe for rapid growth just at the right time.  Had he been born 10 years earlier or later we may not even know his name.

As Gladwell explains in this example it is not just that Gates was born with a unique ability that no one else pocesses.  Instead, he happened to be smart, given an opportunity no one else had, took advanatge of it, and was in the right place at the right time.

In the case of a plane crash they tend to occur because of a set of circumstances much different from the manner that Hollywood films portray.  They generally occur not because of a single engine malfunction but instead because of a set of 6-7 conditions.  In the book he looks at specific crashes and how they were typically the product of 3-4 technical malfunctions which in and of itself would typically not be a problem.  However, when combined with other conditions such as a tired pilot, in bad weather, at an unfamiliar airport the results turn tragic.

In the conclusion of the book Gladwell writes a fascinating chapter in which he looks back on his own family history to see what factors from previous generations played a role in who he is today.  Interestingly, he discovers that among other factors the relatively light shade of his grandmothers skin likely played a part in his families history (had it been darker she may have been a slave in the fields of Jamaica).

For me, reading the book was an old-fashioned reminder that the decisions I make on a daily basis do indeed direct the outcomes in my life.  Furthermore, the decisions that I make can also lead down a path that will influence future generations.  Here are some more notes from the book-

*Confusing maturity with ability- Especially in sports, kids who are relatively older and therefore more mature often get picked as “all-stars” or labeled as “gifted” and are often exposed to better coaching/ teaching etc.  As a result, they develop into better athletes/ students or whatever later in life.  However, at the time they are selected it may not be that they are innately more talented than other kids.  It is likely that they are slightly older and therefore a little more mature.

*10,000 hours- Gladwell notes other studies which find that 10,000 hours of study/ practice is required to become a master or expert in a certain discipline.

*A direct correlation between IQ and success- “The relationship between success and IQ works only up to a point.  Once someone has reached an IQ of somewhere around 120, having additional IQ points doesn’t seem to translate into any measurable real-world advantage.”

*Family background and upbringing play a huge role in determining the welfare of a child in their later years.

*Setbacks may temporarily delay success for an “outlier”.  However, ultiumately setbacks provide opportunities that allow the outlier to springboard ahead.

*3 qualities that make work satisfying- “Those three things- autonomy , complexity, and a connection between effort and reward- are, most people agree, the three qualities that work has to have if it is to be satisfying.”

*Cultural legacies- language can impact development- In most Asian languages the vocabulary used for numbers are much simpler than in english where they are irregular (i.e. eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen….twenty-one, twenty-two, etc.).  As a result, children in Asian cultures develop fundamental math skills at a much quicker pace than their American counterparts.

*Summary found on page 267- “…success follows a predictable course.  It is not the brightest who succeed…Nor is success simply the sum of the decisions and efforts we make on our own behalf.  It is, rather, a gift.  Outliers are those who have been given opportunities- and who have had the presence of mind to seize them…  They (outliers) were born at the right time with the right parents and the right ethnicity…”